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Why were CornFlakes invented ?

Today our Topic will be Corn Flakes.All of us have eaten and enjoyed cornflakes  multiple times in our life but we  do not  have thought  that how corn flakes were made.95 %   people don't know that who invented corn flakes.Even 5 of our team members  haven't knowed  it before one of our member told  this to them.Let's  talk about it.In 1894 corn flakes were  made by  John Harvey Kellogg.John  Harvey Kellogg was an American  doctor.He was also an  inventor ,nutrition and businessman.

Corn Flakes was made  in Michigan.Michigan  is a state in United States.Corn Flakes were  invented by the John Harvey Kellog and his  brother.Corn  Flakes were made for  the patients  under their supervision  because  some  patients under their supervision   eat  only   vegetables for vitamins and  strenghth.They  don't  eat meat or other  meat  related  food items  because of their old caste  system.John and his brother was very worried because  of this  issue because the vitamins present in meat are  important for  these patients.

If  they don't  take in healthy vitamins   present in the meat and other meat  related food items then how they will   discover faster.We get   thiamin , riboflavin , niacin ,vitamin B6 and vitamin B12  from  meat and meat items.These  vitamins are called B-Complex Vitamins.Both of these brothers was worried about their patients.They were trying to prepare a such food dish which  prove healthy for these  patients.This food dish should be  according to their old caste system.

One day in hurry  while going to  3 days  research  trip to the other state  of US  they  mistakely left the boiled wheat uncovered in their room.After three days when they came back  they saw that the boiled wheat  become staled.Elder brother asked   little brother to put the staled wheat in  the bin.When he was going to put it in the bin  John suddenly  stopped  him and  asked him to put the wheat  on  the table.Then he put it back on the table.After this John  got out of the house .

Then he goes to the park and there he started walking and thinking in his mind.

This process was continued  for about 2 hours.After 2 hours  John came house back.After coming back he asked  his little brother to flatten the wheat.His little brother flattened the wheat with the help of roller.When the wheat passed from  rollers  it become irregular shaped instead of flatened shape.As an  experiment Dr John gave that  irregular shaped wheat   to the  patient. 

After eating this wheat the patient demanded that more.In comments patient asked that this is very tasty and i will love to have it more.After this Dr John sent  the sample of that  wheat to the lab to check that how much vitamins are present in it .Its checking in the lab is compulsary  because  it is to verify that it is not harmful to the human health and its verification is only available in laboratory.After 2 days  when the report of that wheat came  John was out of city.

Little brother of  Dr John  handled this report to the house then he put it on the table of the  room of Dr John.When Dr John Harvey Kellogg  reached home at night he saw this report  on his table.After drinking  water he opened the report and started reading it.He felt very happy after  reading this that  this wheat is rich in all the important vitamins which are necessary  for these patients.He immidiately  goes to the room of his brother  and  told him that  good news.

They both became very happy .They also have used this same technique  on maize but  when his reports came from lab  it has  proved that it  is not so good for human health.Its taste was also not  good.It was also bitter in taste.After that  they   started making this dish with wheat and  first of all named it as Granose.Afterwards  as the time passed   and modern time comed it was named as corn flakes.These brothers started making these corn flakes at higher level  and started their company and the name of their company was   Kellogg Company.

Kellogg Corn Flakes was the  most earlier and popular  cornflakes making company in the United States.It was the first company which  started making corn flakes  at commecial level. Their cornflakes became very popular in the United States.These cornflakes have been liked all over the  World.Within 3 months their company became big and their corn flakes began to  be supplied all over the World.This was very good  for patients which relate to caste who don't eat meat because this was rich of vitamins.

After  some years in  1906  when  Will Keith Kellogg   asked his elder  brother John Harvey Kellogg  to add sugar in these Cornflakes to make them sweetish . John denied and when Will   Keith argued more with John he separated himself from the company.After this he started his own company  and in his company  he continued his old  method  of making corn flakes.John's company also became popular  within two to three months.

The  Cornflakes  of  these  two  companies  became   popular  in the World. As  the  time  passed   some  people  copied  their  recipe and make many  factories  like   them  but  haven't   became  as  famous  as them.Their companies are still on Number one in the World .

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