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Dark side of Gemini you must know about...


Depending on who they are speaking to, Geminis may speak from both sides of their faces, delivering various tales or versions of the truth. Even in serious connections and partnerships, Geminis will find themselves looking for new companions and won't think twice to quit if they find what they think is superior to what they currently hold.


Geminis are happy-go-lucky people. They are chatty, energetic, and have a great sense of humor. However, even with their easy-going personality, they can take things to heart. As a result, they are vulnerable to criticism. Quite often than not, they tend to take things personally and get upset. Geminis get hurt if they are ignored or do not receive the compliments they think they deserve. It takes time for them to recover from heartbreaks because of their intense emotional investment.

Cant stay alone

Geminis are social butterflies with a wide circle of friends and acquaintances. They love interacting with different people, exchanging stories and ideas. Engaging in intellectual conversations makes them feel animated. Therefore, they are always up for any opportunity to mingle.
However, due to their talkative and outgoing nature, being alone is not Gemini’s cup of tea. They quickly start feeling lonely and sad. As a result, they always try to surround themselves with people.

dry sense of humor

People with twins’ sun sign are social butterflies with a knack for entertaining people. A party will never have a dull moment with them around. Using their sarcasm and dry humor, they can leave people in splits.
However, they might respond with an ironic quip even in serious situations. While it is their instinctive reaction to lighten the atmosphere, some people might find it offensive. For example, if people go to them for help and respond with a sarcastic comment, it might tick the person.

Extremely Sarcastic

When it comes to witty rejoinders, Gemini really blows it. But people are sometimes offended by this. When you ask a Gemini for honest advice, the snark can be very unpleasant. They might offer it, but not if they initially talk in a way that annoys or irritates people. They do it out of reflex to brighten the mood, but other individuals could find it disrespectful.

childish manner

One of the prominent Gemini personality traits is that they have a child-like innocence in them. They can liven up any party with their anecdotes and fantastic sense of humor. However, this youthful nature also makes them immature. They get easily amused and find it hard to take anything seriously. Due to their fickle mind, they get bored easily. Their carefree attitude can seem cool initially, but after a while, it can become irritating.


Geminis enjoy taking up new challenges and often try multitasking. At one point, their hands may be in several pies. However, sometimes, Geminis might take up more things than they can handle. They want to do everything fast and move on to the next big project, but having too many things on their plate can overwhelm them.


Geminis are always on the lookout for new adventures. They are impatient and can’t focus on one thing for too long but do not commit to one thing and see it through. Some Geminis might struggle to commit to romantic relationships and continue to look for better prospects. As a result, they might come across as flighty. At times, their child-like quest for more exciting experiences might also cause them to bail out on their loved ones.

Intensely Moody

Because they have two very distinct personalities, Geminis sense emotions strongly and regularly undergo extreme mood swings. They often face sudden mood swings like anger or sorrow triggered by an event. They might act empathetic and affectionate one minute, then cold and impersonal the very next. 


While the dual nature of Gemini helps them understand different perspectives, it can cause havoc in their decision-making abilities. They find it difficult to make up their mind and might keep changing their decisions.
While sharp intellect is their strength, it may cause them to overthink, adding to their decision-making woes. Geminis are thrill-seekers with the desire to have as many new experiences as they can. As a result, sometimes selecting one thing can be challenging for them.

lack of purpose and focus

They are known as the jack of all trades as they try various things and have many enriching experiences. It is typical of them to have information about several topics. However, they get bored before gaining in-depth knowledge and often move on after getting familiar with some surface facts.
Their fickle nature makes it difficult for them to focus on one thing and see it through. As a result, they might not know what they want in life. So, they may leave many quests incomplete in search of something more interesting. They want to be successful but lose motivation if the journey gets tedious.


Geminis can spin the truth and be devious. Geminis have a gift of gab. They can spin the truth a little and tell tall tales to keep their audience enthralled. While they reserve their manipulative talent for entertainment purposes, sometimes, they may use it to turn the situation in their favor. For example, they may tell white lies or sugarcoat the truth to get people on their side.

Strangely Nosy

Geminis have a tendency to breach others' privacy since they are a bit overly curious about what others are doing. They might have a tendency to make extra rivals by needlessly interfering in other people's affairs. They might occasionally even wind up spilling the tea in front of other people. Being nosy is more natural and commonplace to them than anything else.

Lack Inconsistency

Geminis have a hard time settling down in one spot. They can pick up a pastime very quickly, but they also have a very short attention span. They are unpredictable and unable to decide on their next course of action since they get bored with one thing very quickly. Geminis, in particular, find it difficult to commit to one person and view relationships as a roller coaster.

 Extremely Impulsive

Their tendency toward impulsivity is a by-product of their easy-going character. Geminis are impulsive and tend to act without considering the repercussions. But despite the fact that they are tolerant and flexible, they could be reckless due to their suppleness. They frequently have their thoughts changed which leads them to be spilled all over the place.

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