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Dark side of Taurus, here are 10 negative traits of Taurus you must know?

 1. Demanding
If you disagree with the bull's viewpoint, it will curl their horns in while locking their opinion, earning them the character of being fierce. and stubborn. Taurus is prone to being trapped in strict beliefs and intentions because it is a fixed sign. They may become careless of other people's feelings as a result, especially when their routines provide them a sense of security.

2. Always right
One of the traits of Taurus is their need to be right. “I told you so” might be a common phrase. Despite their other Taurus traits, this grounded, sensible sign takes pride in having a strong relationship with reality. How to deal with it:
Say “You’re right” and pause. Until Taurus hears those two magic words, they’re not gonna step down from their self-appointed soapbox. So swallow your pride and say it, then wait as long as it takes for the emotional temperature to change. Once things become calm again, ask Taurus to explain their perspective in a way that’s helpful and supportive.

You can also communicate to Taurus how their “I told you so” tactic makes YOU feel. Although you can appreciate the caring sentiment behind it, let them know that when they discuss things from a polarizing right/wrong approach, it makes you shut down and feel silenced. 

3. Lazy

Owing to their fondness for rich and heavy foods like meat, cheese, and alcohol, Taureans can resort to such living forever. Up until a certain point, everything seems amusing and positive, but then things start to spiral out of control and lead to obesity and eventually sloth for them. Because of their need to unwind and rest, they have a reputation for being lazy.

4. jealous

One of Taurus' negative characteristics is jealousy. With envy, Taurus turns green. They are open about having materialistic jealousy of you. Everything you have that they don't already have they want to take from you. A co-worker getting a new job or a neighbor purchasing a new car may stimulate them to want what they have.

5.  They think they are genius

 Throw your Bull a bone—that is, a compliment! 
But if Taurus insists on revising reality and going into denial, you don’t have to play along. The equation “If it looks good, it is good” doesn’t pass the math test. (Ditto for sayings like “You get what you pay for” being used to justify Taurus spending beyond their means.) Taurus is a sign of self-worth, but they may mistakenly connect that to their net worth. That’s when things go south.

Just because everything looks “perfect” on the outside doesn’t mean it’s not totally screwed up on the inside. The desire to put up a good front can perpetuate real problems, preventing healing and solutions. Who cares what the neighbors/town/friends think? Remind Taurus: If someone is going to stop loving you because you’re not perfect, those aren’t the kind of people you want in your life anyway.

6. Hold Grudges

Taurus may keep hatred until their life ends. Of all the zodiac signs, they are one of the ones who keep grudges the longest. They loathe making mistakes and are exceedingly stubborn. When they encounter someone who disagrees with them, it might be difficult for them to compromise or let go of the resentment that has grown inside of them, which can result in major grudge-keeping.

7. Overly Possessive

The Taurus zodiac sign naturally exhibits a possessive attitude. Their obsession with having a secure life is the root of their controlling behavior. This zodiac sign is frequently possessive of their relationship and their belongings, particularly if they are pricey. This behavior is also a result of their profound lack of self-assurance, which makes them vulnerable to intimidation from others.

8. Need Their Space

Taurus people adore living in their own, private place. For a Taurus, change can be challenging, especially considering their fixed character as a zodiac sign. Although flexibility is crucial, these fixed signs never leave their comfort zone. They yearn for privacy while prioritizing their mood. At times they even distance themselves from others to keep their mood sane and stable.

9. Business Minded

Taurus is dominated by material possessions. They frequently base their perception of self-worth on their income and the things they can afford. They think that the key to their pleasure lies in increasing their income. One of the worst qualities of Taurus is their need for luxury items simply to display them as symbols of power and status.

10. Concerned With Oneself

Although dependable and steady, their need for stability frequently leads to materialistic, egocentric, and arrogant behavior. Taurus has strict limits, which can be useful at times but sometimes gives others the impression that the persona of Taurus is unbending. If they don't have their own selfish interests at heart, they won't give you any favors.

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