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Do children need COVID vaccination? Will children be the last ones to get a COVID vaccine?


COVID-19  is a very big problem for all people and countries of  the World.As we all know that the process of vaccination  has been started all over the World.In some countries  the vaccination to  going to be completed such as Russia .The question rised in the minds of many people that  the govt is vaccinating only young people.What the  governments have done for children?What measures have government   done for   the health of children?What  is our health organizations doing?

These type of many questions have been rising from  different countries of the World.Their  should be answering of these questions  because children are our next  leaders,engineers,doctors etc..Children  contain a great importance  for their parents  because parents  work  only for  their children .If   parents  got vaccinated and their children remain unvaccinated  then how they  live happy life.Parents are very feared of their children health.

If children's remain unsafed then how their parents  remain normal.After  questioning on high  level scientists  asked that  the immune system of children is more  strong  then  adults  thats why  vaccine is not as important  to  them  as it  is important for adults and aged  persons.Few companies  have successfully  created vaccines  for  children and now these companies are  completing  the clinical trials of their vaccine.These trials are compulsary  for vaccine before it is tested on humans.

When it will successfully pass  its clinical trials this vaccine should be  available in market and in health departments .The scientists of Russia  are trying  newly produced vaccine for children  on the age of 12 to 17 years. They asked that  the health  departments will start vaccinating the children between 12  to 17 years when  it will pass   its all phases .This vaccine should pass  its all clinical phases after passing its  phases this should be used on children  between 12 to  17 years. 

On the other hand   according to the reasearch  1.5 % of the patients of  covid-19 are children.Children  occupies a very big amount of our population  that's why  there should be strict measures  for the good health  of children.Scientists ask that the children lower than 10 years  are just as likely  as adults as they can also infect others in a very high rate.Parents are very nervous  about their  children's health.The Russian scientists ask the we will not  use the  vaccine invented for adults on  children . 

The reason for that is there should be  the side effects of that vaccine  on children.On the other hand  a family in US  cased in court against   government and raised a question that  

Will children be the last ones to get a COVID vaccine? In Indonesia  a newsreporter  also asked this type of question to the  Prime minister and in reply  Prime minister said that our  scientists are trying their best to produce  a vaccine specially for  children   and you will see  their good results  in  about  a  month.

In China a vaccine successfully have been prepared for children and this vaccine  is  passing from its clinical trials.The Chinese doctors have  asked to the media 2 days ago that their vaccine  should be ready  in  a week because  it has successfully passed its one clinical trial and  and other  trials should be completed in   approximately a week.This doctor  have given good news to the media and many parents  watching  this news on tv  became very  happy.They starting  sharing this news on social media as a sign of their happiness.

These parents became happy  and they feel relaxed because finally their  children  are going to be vaccinated .A reporter in China ask that  the virus will take advantage of  this reason because the whole adults will get vaccinated  and virus  automatically will  stick to children .That  a very dangerous  news for the children and  parents  became very nervous after hearing this   but after the doctor's interview  when they knowed that  vaccine for children is going to be ready  they became very happy.  

If we talk about  the whole World then we can say that the vaccination  of corona virus for children have not started   anywhere in the World.We hope  that it will start in near future in a very short period .This vaccination should be started very soon because children are  important  sources of development for every country and we should  follow all  the health  measures to save our next generation 

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