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What was the worst day of COVID-19 pandemic and which country is effected most from COVID-19?


The Corona  Virus   has disturbed the whole World in the last year and  till now many countries   are in danger zone due to  covid-19.    Total  2.3 Million people have been died  due to corona virus in the  World.Approximately 59 Million  patients  of corona virus in    the World  have been recovered  .59 million is a very big amount.The  corona pandemic  have badly effected the world .The economy of the World have been effected badly by this  virus.

However we can say that  corona virus have  destroyed the World's economy very badly.Many people think in their  mind that what was the worst day of this pandemic .There is no doubt that this whole pandemic was  worst . The  question mentioned above is  also meaningful.In this article we are going to talk about the question mentioned above.Corona virus  have taken  a many big amount  of lives from all over the World.

Here we will talk  that what was the worst day of this pandemic and also talk that  how many lives from different countries corona virus have taken.On January,23 more than  four thousand people  died in the US.That was the  worst day  for  US.On the other hand  corona is disappearing from the whole  World slowly but on january,23  4000 patients of corona virus have been died in United States.That day was the worst day of corona pandemic.

According to WHO that  amount was the highest amount ever  died in the world due to covid-19.Now we will talk about   the deaths due to covid-19  in different countries of the  world.In United States of America  total 4 (four) lac and 52 (fifty two thousand people died due to corona virus till now.Total 26 (twenty six) million  cases of corona virus  have been  reported from United States of America to  WHO(World Health Organization) till  now.

If we talk about Canada then we can say that Canada is in safe zone  because total 20(twenty ) thousand  5 (five) hundred people have been died in Canada  due to covid-19 till now.These deaths are  very small as compared to deaths in  other countries.Approximately total 8 (eight) lac cases of corona virus  have been reported to  WHO.This country is in safe zone because the people of this country   follows all the preventions  to  save theirself from corona virus.

In Russain Federation total  76 (seventy six ) thousand people died  due to corona virus till now.Approximately 4 (four)  Million cases  of corona virus  have been reported from Russian Federation to WHO.In Russia corona virus have also been  spread very  fast in the  starting but soon the Russian government have taken  full control on it.Now the Russian scientists have  successfully prepared  the corona vaccine and they  are vaccinating  all the people  of their country now a days.

In China total 5 (five) thousand people died due to  corona virus .They have reported  total 1(one) lac  confirmed cases of corona virus to WHO.As all the  people ask that the corona virus have been rised  from  China but  the deaths due to corona virus  are very low in China  as compared to its vast area.On the other hand China have successfully prepared  the vaccine of corona virus and  now after vaccinating its all countrymen  they are helping other countries and providing  them vaccines.

Brazil is a  developing country  and total 2 (two) lac 28(twenty eight) thousand people have been died  in Brazil due to corona virus.They have reported 10(ten) million confirmed corona cases  to WHO till now. The scientists of Brazil have not  created the vaccine of corona virus till now.Russia is  going to help  Brazil in  the incoming days  and Russia is going to send a  big stock of  Corona vaccines to Brazil.After vaccination in their country  we hope that corona will  disappear completely from here.

If we talk about Iran then we can say that as Iran is a big country  but corona virus have not  badly effected it .This country also have been interrupted  but  most areas of  Iran  are free of  Corona till now.Total 58 (fifty eight) thousand people died due  to corona virus  till  now in Iran.14 (fourteen) lac cases of corona virus have been reported to WHO  from Iran till now.Half of the patients  of corona virus have been recovered  in Iran  and other patients are also  in good position    now.

Next we are going to talk about Malaysia. Malaysia is a Muslim country  and approximately according to WHO 1000 ( thousand ) people have been died due to corona virus till now  in Malaysia.This all is because of the strict action of Malaysian police .Malaysian  police  do heavy fine to those people who don't follow the precautionary measures  of corona virus and lock those persons in jail who do this  mistake again.3(three) lac corona cases have been reported  from the Malaysia to WHO till now.

Indonesia  is a developing country and it is not an Islamic state but its major  majority  is of Muslims.    Total 31 (thirty one)  thousand people have been died due to corona virus  in Indonesia.The government of Indonesia  have  reported    11(eleven ) lakh confirmed cases of corona virus to  WHO.Indonesia is also a big  country but its  corona cases are  low as compared to its vast area.This is because of the strict following of  people of Indonesia on the precautionary measures of corona virus.

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